Preparing for your milestone session with MSP!

(6-12 month milestone):

Thank you so much for booking a milestone session with Megan Shaw Photography!

For your milestone session, please see some tips below on how to prepare and what to bring. If you have any questions at all, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help.



For a milestone session, majority of the photos will be using different backdrops inside my studio, such as my wood backdrops, paper backdrops (with fur rug), and an all white bed setup. With that, please know that I have a prop outfit selection in my studio that coordinates very well with my setups. This collection is available for us to use in your MSP Milestone Session (examples of outfits above) and I’m constantly adding to this collection! I have outfits to fit babies of all sizes ranging from three months to one year.

In preparation for your session, I will pull a few outfits for your baby to match each backdrop in my studio. This will help take out all of the worry and stress for you in preparing for your session. If you would actually like to bring an outfit or two, you are more than welcome to do so. I just ask that you make sure that they go with MSP’s vintage and rustic props.

Otherwise, please don’t fret on bringing anything if you aren’t sure what to bring. I have plenty of adorable outfits that we can use and you can see plenty of examples of the outfits in the photos on this page. I also have plenty of headbands and bonnets to use that you see pictured. Last but not least, we will also do a few “naked” shots with just their diaper on (diaper will be covered) so we can capture those adorable, squishy baby rolls!



Tip #1… Please make sure your baby has a nap before his/her session! I know this may get them off their normal nap schedule, but if at all possible please let them take a quick nap and wake them up so they are refreshed and ready to go for their session.

Tip #2…. Bring extra milk or food. Most milestone sessions last no longer than an hour, depending on how long the baby is happy. If we need to take a feeding break to ensure happy photos, I am more than happy to let you stop and feed him/her. So please make sure to bring any extra milk and/or food along with you.

Tip #3… Bring some toys that they LOVE! Anything that shakes or makes noises is wonderful to get their attention with!

Tip #4… Get ready for lots of baby talk! I’ve found that with milestone sessions baby talk is the BEST way to get lots of smiles and fun faces! So be prepared to baby talk along with MSP at your session.

Tip #5… Bring a pacifier if your baby loves it. We can always pull it out in between shots if we need to in case they get a bit fussy.


If you are wanting to do a few family photos during the milestone session, please note that we will be doing them on the all-white (neutral) bed setup in my studio. For what to wear, I recommend soft colors, denim, white, cream, or even khakis or earth tones. Shoes will be off for the pictures, so please don’t worry about finding the perfect pair of shoes for these. The family photos on my bed setup are more relaxed, and have a lifestyle vibe to them.

Please see some examples below. If you haven’t told  you’d like a few family photos during the milestone session, please do so before hand so I know to have the bed ready!


If you booked a one year milestone session and are wanting to do a cake smash, MSP does the cake smash around the last 10-15 minutes of the milestone session. For what you need to bring for your cake smash photos, please see below.

What to bring for a cake smash:

– Smash cake (the smaller the better. Please leave it out at least one hour before the session).

– Banner (for backdrop)

– Balloons / Small decor to put around your baby (please make sure balloons are BLOWN UP and weighted down before arriving to the session).

– Cake smash outfit

**Just a few friendly reminders when it comes to a cake smash: 

The simpler the setup, the better. I cannot stress this enough. My style of photography is simple and letting your child be the main focus (other than props). So when it doubt, keep it sweet + simple. <3

Please note if you want to do a more elaborate setup, the time it takes to setup will be during your scheduled session, not any earlier before the session.

I will be there to help as much as I can during your scheduled session time. 

Some babies do not care for a cake smash. If you are afraid they may not, please do not feel pressured into doing one during the one year milestone. We can still have a wonderful one year session with or without a cake smash.

Please bring a bag for the dirty cake smash outfit to take home.

I will have a sink and wet paper towels to help with cleanup.

Please note that MSP provides the paper backdrop (like in the photos you see).

**if you prefer a specific color other than cream colored or grey, please email me prior to see if I have a different color). **


If you booked a milestone package (or just a separate milestone session), your session fee will be due at the time of your session. You can pay cash, Venmo, or card (please note there will be an extra fee added for all credit/debit card transactions).

The session photos will be delivered to you around  3-4 weeks after your session, unless noted otherwise by myself. Again, if you have any questions regarding your session please let me know via email at I’m so excited you booked a milestone session and look forward to working with your family and your sweet baby!